Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Time for a change ....

I have been thinking today, a lot actually about just my life , I have wasted to many years sayingi should have done this or i could of done that ... I was on myspace today and I came across this quote ""yu can spend minutes, hours, days,weeks, even months analyizing a situation; tryin to put pieces together, justifying what couldve, shoulve, wouldve, happened. or yu can leave the pieces on the floor && move the fuck on "-" . And after everything that has happened to me ,all the shit that was talked about me and the one person i thought wud be there forever left ... i can honestly say I leaving on the shit on the floor I dont give a fuck! Its time for a change for the better. In my past life lol; I worried too much about boys and not enough about money so my priorities are straight and im just going to move forward and never look back .....

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